How to Boost up Your Mood ?

How to Boost up Your Mood ?

How to Boost up Your Mood

Many of us feel a drag on our moods during the darker days of fall and winter. “How to Boost up Your Mood ?”. Even the most optimistic and happy go lucky among us can feel a little moody as the seasons change.

Fortunately, there are practical ways to bring some small bursts of joy into your life any time of year. In fact, you probably have everything you need at home to help to boost your mood. “How to Boost up Your Mood ?”.  Just try one of these uplifting strategies to help you relax, unwind, and experience a little satisfaction. You may find that the long months ahead seem a little more manageable.

These tips and tricks can help you manage your mood as the days get shorter.

Set Doable Goal

Many of the hobbies and activities we love like yoga classes or learning a new language are open ended, with no finish line in sight. Try picking a smaller goal that has a definite and satisfying ending.

Try things like cleaning out a closet, learning to play two songs on the guitar, or getting caught up on organizing photo albums. You’ll get the good feelings of tackling something meaningful, and the surge of energy that comes with completing a task.

Prep Before The Season

Whatever the date on the calendar, stock up on things that might make the winter more wonderful for you. Collect items to make your home comfier, cozy patio heaters or fire pits to make outdoor get togethers doable, or a large screen TV to make movie nights on your couch at home more epic

Wake Up Early Morning

As the days get shorter and colder, seasonal affective disorder can be an issue. You can help to avoid the winter blues with exposure to sunlight. It’s really important to get sunlight, especially that early morning light. Just a 15 minute morning walk outside can help you improve your focus. That vitamin D can also help to boost your immune system.

Give A Treat To Your Senses.

People are really tapping into their sense of smell now. Scented candle sales are through the roof, but any good smell. A bottle of vanilla, maple syrup, pumpkin spice does really work.

A Happy Playlist

Upbeat music can really help you feel better, so go ahead and put together a playlist of songs that can act as a pick me up. And choose a song that you love as your wake up alarm. Just be sure to rotate it out after a while.

Do Good With Others

Giving to others always makes us feel good and you’ll be helping to brighten someone else’s day too. Offering items you’re decluttering from your home on a local freecycle group or helping to make introductions for people. In a time when people are looking for connection, it’s always great to help people meet a potential new friend or colleague.

Give Home A Quick Makeover

You might consider switching on a standing desk instead of using your kitchen table for work. Paint the kitchen a brighter hue, or invest in some new workout equipment. We need to make ourselves comfortable in our home environment.

Pet A Furry Friend

If you want an instant pick me up, pet a dog or cat. Everyone’s hungry for touch, and petting a dog or cat is such a soothing thing. If you don’t have a pet to snuggle, head out for a walk there are probably a few puppies being walked right now outside your door that would be happy to let you pet them for a few minutes.

Declutter Painlessly

Better organization may help you feel more relaxed at home, but that doesn’t mean you have to commit to spending long hours scaling back your closets and book collections. In fact, it may be as simple as committing to a minute at a time.

It takes so much energy to clear clutter. But if it takes less than a minute to do, you should do it without delay whether it’s filing a document or bringing your dirty coffee cup back to the sink. It doesn’t feel like it’s a toll on your energy or time, and it gets rid of a scum of clutter. And that can be very energizing.


Most of us need about 8 hours of sleep a night to repair and renew our bodies, so make sure you get this if you want to wake up feeling refreshed and energised.

Get as much sleep as you can. A single night’s sleep, or even a nice nap, can make a world of difference to the way we feel.

Change Your Perspective

One quick and simple way to turn your mood around is to change your expectations and comparison. Instead of looking at what you don’t have, look at all that you have. “How to Boost up Your Mood ?”. Talking to others helps one, process their feelings and put them into perspective. Bright daylight, fresh air, and the hustle bustle of everyday life can all be help-full.


Exercise is known to promote the release of endorphins, the feel good hormones in your brain. Engaging in any form of physical activity, be it a brisk walk or weight training. When we say exercise it’s easy to think ‘nope, that’s not going to make me feel any better. A study discovered that even just an hour of exercise weekly can help prevent depression. The more exercise, the better.

Even moderate exercise releases chemicals in your brain that lift your mood. It can help you sleep better, have more energy and keep your heart healthy.
Regular exercise can boost your mood if you have depression, and it’s especially useful for people with mild to moderate depression.

There’s plenty of evidence to suggest that activities like working out, spending some time outside during the day, and cuddling with a pet can lift your spirits, and as it turns out, what you eat can also have a big impact on your mood. Whether you’ve been afflicted with the winter blues or find yourself in a funk you just can’t seem to get out of, the foods you put in your grocery cart and on your dinner plate can help.

We all feel blue from time to time, and food can play an important role in helping us lift our mood and improve our outlook on life. There are a couple of key dietary strategies to help you improve and balance your mood with food:

Balance Blood Sugar Levels

Skipping meals, eating erratically or eating sugary meals and snacks can send our blood sugar levels out of whack. This leads to an imbalance of hormones including stress hormones and can make us irritable, cranky or hungry. Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, is linked to depression and anxiety. Consuming complex carbohydrates, protein, fat and fibre with each meal and snack will help your blood sugar levels stay on track.

Good Fats

Fats are essential to the nervous system. Our brains are about 60% fat and good fats help support brain function and integrity, aid the production of neurotransmitters and reduce inflammation.


Certain amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein, are the precursors to brain neurotransmitters that help balance and better our mood. Increase your protein intake throughout the day.

B Vitamins

The spectrum of B vitamins helps to soothe stress and support the nervous system. Many of the B vitamins are also co factors in aiding brain health and formulating neurotransmitters. B vitamins can be found in many vegetables, like dark leafy greens and gluten free whole grains.

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